Now taking into account that Dario and Ivano Bonetti are on the same kind of wavelength when it comes to running the team I don't have too big a problem with the older brother taking charge of the team. Shaun McSkimming told me last season he was, in fact, the more forceful and respected of the pair.
However, if they work as a duo my only fears is that Dario is left alone and isolated, with no one other than Dario Magri to sound out his ideas on and this I find worrying.
The official excuse is Ivano is following up some talent spotting in Italy. For now I'll accept that and await with bated breath the outcome. The news that he is once again on the trail of Polish Internationalist and Captain Marek Kozminski makes me smack my lips in relish. Imagine if Dundee end up with 3 international Captains in the same team? (4 if you count Ketsbaia who has on occasion captained Georgia). Fan Zhiyi, Nemsadze, Ketsbaia and maybe Kozminski. It makes you almost forget the disastrous results we've had this season, doesn't it?
So, Ivano, newly wed, father to be, you're still tops with me, and if you wrap this guy up for next season or whenever, that'll do nicely for me.
But if nothing comes of this extended stay away from home base the natives will continue to grow restless.