The Bonetti Diaries part 4
Arrivederci , Friends , Movano Bonetti back again with my thoughts on Euro 2008.
Very sorry we said bye bye to my second team, Rumania , they put up good fight against the mighty Lasagna. Pity they couldn't quite make it. Mind you, a bout of anaemia swept through the squad and weakened them big time. Their doctor said he hadn't seen such a low blood count since Dracula was buried.
The land of my birth, Italia, just managed to squeeze through, but what a struggle.
Their boss Roberto Dinnaedaethat got so nervous during the last game against France that he bit his toe nails and ended up with Athlete's Mouth.
Anyways, I celebrated the end of the qualifying stages by taking in some of the Austrian culture. I go to visit Saltzburg as its is the birthplace of Mozart and I am big music fan. I even visit his bathroom where of course he compose his famous "Chamber Music - First and Second Movements". I also believe that this same WC inspired Mason Williams' big Sixties hit "Classical Gas".
I predict that the dark horses for the semi final will be the mighty Russians . Roman Abramblebush has promised them mega bucks if they get any further so don't be surprised if they do the dirty on the Dutch.
I've been so impressed by their form that I'm off to read an abridged version of "Dr Zhivago".
Its called "Dr".