The Bonetti Diaries
The Bonetti Diaries
September 10th,2008
Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again. Movano Bonetti back with the latest on the grate game. Well, the Dee had a free week from the Scottish Football Hell but the Tattered Army opened their World Cup campaign in Macadamia. And what a Titus Brambles it turned out to be. Not only did the chilli Jockolanders get humped, but 1000 of the Tattered Army were thrown out of the ground for being in the wrong end. Why then was Burley George not thrown out of the ground for being in the wrong job ? Although Rayne Farrell's Team DFC didn't have a repetitive game, a friendly was arranged for some of the injured guys. Colin Cameron made an Albion Rovers Return at long last and Craig McEwan "Is The Best Buy, The Best Buy..."continued his return to fitness too. But what about Sir Craig Leaveitout's Tambourines , what's happened to the best young manager in Scotland's magic touch ? When I hear on the TV about the big scientific experiment to recreate what happened at the beginning of time, I thought they were just going to show highlights of United's last victory in the Scottish Premier Lodge.
Anyways, enough about them, what about all the rain we've been having ? Pretty bad, but, considering The Useless George Bush's US of A can handle Hurricane Gustav and its150 miles an hour typhoons , yet if Mildly Windy Wendy comes along with a slight mist , you can be sure that much of the sporting collander will be disrupted over here. Mind you, us Italianos can't really talk - Venice's still flooded after 500 years.
Back to football, well Keggin Leavin naffing off from Newcastle after just 5 minutes or so. What a small girl's bluson, he did the same with Man City. I'll bet he's regretting that now after the Dubai takeover. Things are really buzzing round about Middle Eastlands now. If Sir Craig Leaveitout shoots his North and South off at the SFA again, he could always get a loan from them to pay the fine.
Anyways, I'm off to watch a new chat show cum negro spiritual - "Phantom of the Opera Winfrey". Can't weight.
Ciao, Benny and Javier Nice Day.