The Bonetti Diaries
The Bonetti Diaries
September 1st, 2008
Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again. Movano Bonetti back with my take on the weekend's action.
Goodness Graystoke Me, Wot happen to Rayne Farrells' Team DFC ? 3-1 defeat to the Queens of the Stone Age ? How come we always get our lottery down in Burned country. Way we play just now we'd be lucky to beat Annan - that's short, of course, for Annan's Annan For A' That. We even go ahead with a fine counter from C Poz. Hope he's not going to be a bit of a Jonah for us - one month after he come over on Zoom Airlines, they fall to bits. Better not happen to the Dee.
Is is something to do with ex Arabians - we get beat by Gordon Chisholm's men at weekend and same thing during the week by Ian McColl's side. If we only win against teams without ex Arabs, we have noone to play .At least Sir Craig Leaveitout and his Trampolines are struggling too at the wrong end of the Scottish Premier Lodge. Gubbed by Grumpy Jim Jiffy's Kilmarnock. United now to be sponsored by Bob Martin as they're involved in relegation dogfight.
The Old Infirm had another battle royal on the day of rest. Victory for Cardigan over Trackie. Artur Norwich dropped another clanger. More bookings than DCA. Jan Vinegar of Heffelump got an early bath - more like an early wipe down as he'd only been on the park for minutes.
Free week for clubs this week as Scotland take on the mite of Macadamia - they're all nuts there so watch out George Burnley's Tartan Army. And then its on to Iceland for a game in the capital, Readyrubvik. Word is that SFA chicken supremo Gordon Smith wants Dode to adopt a rotation policy - certainly works for Gordy, he picks a different hair weave every day.
Anyways, I'm off to see the sequel to "Watership Down" - its called "Warren Peace".
Ciao, Benny and Javier Nice Day.