Dundee Mad were recently approached by Four Four Two magazine to answer some questions about Dundee FC.
This got us thinking about a posters corner where we ask you to answer the same questions and we'll put them on a new part of the site called Posters Corner.
So here are the areas we were asked about and if anyone wants to email in their answers we'll feature them. Send them to dundeemad@ntlworld.com and we'll put the section together as soon as we can.
Our answers will be appearing in the next edition of Four Four Two, probably edited !!
Please answer as briefly or not as you like. All entries from Dees welcome.
Dundee is.... a bit about your city
All Time Great:
Local Legend:
Best Ever Game:
Worst Moment:
Hopes For This Season:
Manager Profile: (are you happy that Duffy has gone?)
Fascinating Fact: