Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Yet again the wolf will be allowed in the sheeps pen. Peter Marr has been invited by Dee4Life to attend an "open" meeting and will answer questions from the floor, presubmitted questions that is.
This begins the period of consultation with the membership of how the Trust should be acting in relationship to Peter Marr!!!
I have never heard of anything quite so ridiculous as the object of the dissaffection being invited to be in situ when ordinary people discuss how they would like to advance!!!
Did the miners invite Thatcher to be at their meetings? Did they hell.
Did British POW's invite the Germans to attend their escape committee meetings? Did they hell.
Did UFC invite Glum Jum into their strategy meetings? Did they hell.
This is absurd. Thats the only word I can think of to describe whats going on now.
I urge every single Dee4Life Trust member who agrees this is not a tolerable situation to let Dee4Life know by sending an email to admin@dee4life.org and simply explaining your opposition to this nonsense. Speak up people or once again we will be shafted by Peter Marr. Please take the time to tell them what you think. Email address again admin@dee4life.org . It will take about 3 minutes of your time to put something together.