We should all give half an hour to emailing dee4life with our concerns, asking them our questions, and giving our opinions as Trust members. i'm sure i'm not the first thats done this, but surely we cannae come on here and piss and moan without being prepared to ask the questions and put the points to those that work on our behalf. i'm pasting my email below, why dont we all do the same, it might enlighten some of the lookie ins that arent up to speed??
and if knocking out emails isnt your thing, feel free to just cut n paste any bits YOU personally agree with and send it. whatever you do, just send something.
In light of the receivership of P and J Taverns and the potential impact on our club given that, as far as the fans are aware, this company holds the majority of shares can i ask the following questions as a Trust member and also raise a few points?
This would appear to be a crucial point, perhaps even more crucial than the need for the 'Ure Dundee' campaign as it once again opens up serious uncertainty as to the way forward and the ultimate security of Dundee FC. Many fans have grave concerns and the information available generally is pretty thin. A general comment of 'unaffected' from the club is quite frankly not worth the paper it was written on.
The main questions are as follows: (I'm sure the answers to all are not available yet but I would guess these are the ones to be pursued. Some of us already know a few of the answers but publicly a lot of the support believe or see only what is reported by dc thomsons, pehaps now this should be addressed PUBLICLY)
1) Who exactly owns the relevant shares in Dundee FC (Holdings or otherwise)?
2) What are the intentions of Krolls and HBOS if, as suspected, these shares remain attached to P and J Taverns and are under the control of the receiver or HBOS as of friday?
3) What course of action do the Trust board intend to recommend to its members should these shares be made available for sale by the receiver or HBOS?
4) Should the Trust members decide the appropriate course of action would be to bid for these shares in part or in their entirety given the funds available from the 'Ure Dundee' campaign the position is somewhat different from that of last summer, how do we proceed given:
any monies paid for shares would NOT BE MADE AVAILABLE to the club as working capital, but would go toward satisfying creditors?
as a result, Dee4Life coffers would likely be empty once more?
the need for a plan to manage the debt that would likely be inherited?
5) Do plans exist for a structure and for management of the club should Dee4Life be in a position of control following any potential majority share purchase? (this was an ultimate goal of 'Ure Dundee' after all)
6) Is it the intention of the Trust board to pursue full ownership of the club should the opportunity become available?
7) If so, is this the opportunity we have been waiting for? Is the door now opening wide enough to encourage more direct action to secure the club's future?
8) If not, is the current restructuring deal technically a dead duck given that shares may be sold to an as yet unknown third party?
There are many different opinions as to the way forward, however the biggest frustration must be the lack of knowledge amongst the rank and file supporters as to both the seriousness of the issues, and also the culpability of the current owners. The lukewarm response to the unfurling of the banner at the game on saturday underlines how unaware many are and surely this must be addressed somehow if change is to come and for it to be successful. The apathy is ridiculous and still fans post on websites in support of the Marrs' efforts and in sympathy of their personal 'predicament.' Is it not time Dee4Life considered publicly criticising the Marrs stewardship of the club and distancing ourselves from them in order to get the message home??
THESE GUYS HAVE TAKEN THE CLUB TO THE BRINK OF EXTINCTION but if this does not happen, the attitude of 'ach well, they were fans and they done their best, its cost them a lot of money etc' will prevail and any new owner (including the Trust) will be met with the similar 'might as well give it a try' apathy. **** that! We need mass understanding of who is responsible, we need everyone aware that it is not attempting to save DFC that has cost poor Peter and Jimmy their businesses, but that their businesses have almost cost US, the fans, OUR football club.
Dee4Life must surely now be seen as the saviour, as standing up and being counted one more time, as saying to the Marrs 'TIME IS UP', and so becoming LEADERS of the support. The current owners power is today at an all time low, the media however do not report in this manner BUT the 'Dundee fan who works for them and keeps his mouth shut' has just been royally shat on by his employer, the companies owed money by these 6 companies have also been sold down the river and as a result more and more are beginning to see the light. This surely must be capitalised on? The Marrs argument of old that HBOS is only continuing support because of their personal involvement has just been shown to be the lie many suspected. It's strangely ironic that HBOS and their actions may just turn out to be the saving of the club, but that relies on a committed and loyal buyer, one with DFC interests at heart, not a property developer buying Dens Park and the team being left to fold. Its time for us to step in, and for that to succeed, we need more than finance, we need grass roots support, and we need more than 4000 who know the truth.
We have a rep on the board, he does a fantastic job and is in a vital position to be party to information. He must stay for the time being to fulfil that role and to provide a direct link into the club for the Trust, but this must surely also be open to review as things evolve? The time may come for him to be withdrawn, has this been considered?
In the short term, a statement from the Trust board regarding direction over the coming weeks would be welcome. All the questions cannot obviously be answered in public, work will have to go on behind the scenes, but please as far as possible announce that it IS going on and what the ultimate intentions are?
And not just on a website as few have access, how about a press statement? or even a press conference stating our position? If a press statement is likely to be edited, take out a full page ad in the papers, if the courier and tully wont print it, the record and the sun would. Bedsheets at Dens are a start, but why are a couple of fans being left to express this view? The Trust board knows more, it has the facts the membership do not, surely it can capitalise now on the opinions of the membership and co-ordinate the wider view that is so apparent among many and take the message quickly to those who still have their heads in the clouds?
The worst we can do now, is do nothing, so lets not be seen to be doing nothing?